Sex Education with a Christian Sex Coach: Pilot

Sex Education is officially in my top 3 favorite tv shows which is something my conservative upbringing didn’t see coming. For the last handful of adult years, my favorite tv shows have been (#1) Grey’s Anatomy as the show I can watch on repeat and feel all of my emotions. Next up is The Walking Dead because we love the characters and deeper messages of the show. In last place was This Is Us because who doesn’t love a family show that reflects you in some way, making you sob like a baby during every episode?

Sex Education is a strong favorite show for me because there will always be something new to laugh about, learn or just appreciate.

That said, you might be surprised to know it took me 3 tries before giving the show an actual shot. There is an erotic love scene in the first few minutes of the pilot which my immature mind didn’t know how to respond to. So I switched the show off. The thing is, every trailer I watched only intrigued me more for the show.

Official trailer for Sex Education, season one

Eventually, I decided to be bold and watch through the hot, sexy, super uncomfortable “love scene.” Right away I questioned my decision to watch this cringe show. Throughout the entire episode images and dialogue flew across my screen leaving a less than savory taste in my mouth, figuratively speaking.

Sex Education,Pilot
Aimee became my favorite character during the masturbation episode!

But then one character unexpectedly grabbed at my heart. This is a character who is unlike me in just about every way. What he has, though, is joy. Pure joy. His smile is literally infectious. It’s almost as if he speaks with a laugh. He is funny, intuitive and has an incredible amount of courage and loyalty which I find admirable.

Eric helped me fall in love with Sex Education because he is the embodiment of joy, courage and loyalty.

So, while I initially found most of the characters to be harsh, deviant or just plain weird, Eric helped me navigate those next few episodes with love, empathy and humor. In fact, the characters I found most unlikeable are now my favorite characters to follow. This also speaks to why I love Sex Education so much – all of the characters grow into a better version of themselves.

For instance, Aimee is portrayed as naive and a bit dumb as the pilot kicks off. She represents being white, rich and “legally blonde” in her own quirky way. She is easy to write off as ditzy + slutty. However you have to wonder why she is friends with the punk-rocker-chik Maive. Through their friendship we get to learn so much about Aimee and watch her learn to stand up for herself. I dare you to not fall in love with the girl!

Aimee, Sex Education
Aimee, Sex Education

I started to watch Sex Education for educational purposes, now I watch simply because I love it.

In my world right now I can think of a small handful of people who would be open to watching this show. As a Christian Sex Coach in the process of getting certified, I felt it was my duty to do what most of my Christian friends won’t do: Educate themselves on sexuality. Helping people-find freedom in their sexuality lights me up inside. I carry a burning message That is incredibly simple yet rare in practice.

Talk about it.

The only way to take away the sex stigmas running wildly through your mind is to open up in dialogue about it. in fact, by reading this blog, you are taking the very first step towards your own sexual freedom! It all starts here: Reading and watching and listening. If my stories about Sex Education have you feeling inspired, intrigued or maybe excited… you’re in good company!

What do you think about Sex Education? How has it impacted your life? What “aha” moment did the show give you so far?

You can comment below OR email me your story for a chance to be featured here on the blog or on the podcast!

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