naked attraction

I’m loving Naked Attraction and Here’s Why

This morning, I spent a few minutes studying my hairy vulva in the bathroom mirror. For the first time, I felt proud of her, even with all her thick, dark hair. I’ve been working towards body acceptance and self-love for a long time now, but my vulva has always intimidated me and felt unfamiliar. Then, I discovered the TV show Naked Attraction!

When I started watching, I knew what I was getting into, for the most part. I first heard about Naked Attraction through my favorite podcaster, and then again while watching The Kardashians.

By that point, I thought, “Damn, I gotta watch Naked Attraction!”

So, Mr. Sexy and I sat side by side, watching the doors roll up to reveal the lower half of the first round of naked bodies. I feel embarrassed admitting all my reactions and emotions, which likely boiled down to shame. However, we don’t do shame here. Instead, we tell our stories, share our thoughts, feelings, and ideas, and practice having space for all of it.

Initially, I felt disgust because of all the hair on the penises and vulvas. Hair isn’t my thing, and I expressed to Mr. Sexy how grateful I am that he keeps himself so neat and tidy for me. It’s worth noting that the participants are chosen based on the contestant’s preferences regarding what they find attractive. For example, one contestant may have preferences like tattoos, pubic hair (or lack thereof), and piercings, and the bodies presented all have at least one component of what the contestant likes.

As a woman in my 30s who grew up conservative Christian, watching Naked Attraction felt empowering.

I didn’t flinch at what I saw – the micro penises, differently shaped vulvas, crazy piercings, missing limbs, people in transition, and the plethora of uncircumcised penises. I didn’t feel gross or embarrassed at everyone’s nakedness, which feels like a huge victory! I can watch and enjoy this show for what it is, and if you haven’t checked it out yet, this is your invitation.

Naked Attraction is a dating show, but it’s unlike anything else out there right now. For one thing, Naked Attraction doesn’t promise true love or even a relationship. What they do promise, though, is a date at the end. The show feels like an experiment on how much physical attraction plays a role, or doesn’t, in the spark of a relationship.

To be honest, I find it fascinating to watch the contestants choose the bodies they like and describe their preferences in the process. The open dialogue shows how different we all are, not only in how we look but in how we perceive each other. Typically, our society tends to favor a specific look for attractiveness – thin, white, blonde-haired, and blue-eyed. Emphasis on girl.

However, Naked Attraction takes a stab at flipping the script by being inclusive of all LGBTQ+ people and a vast array of body types.

I love the audacity of Naked Attraction and believe it can be revolutionary for many to learn to view their bodies with more compassion and love. Even in the short time Mr. Sexy and I have been watching, we have both been able to look at our bodies with more love and acceptance.

Now, I mentioned above that I initially felt some disgust about all the hair, and it’s okay to have preferences. While my emotion initially felt negative, I don’t think it’s negative at the end of the day. Instead, I learned something about myself and what I like and prefer.

At the other end of the spectrum, some people might want to compare Naked Attraction to porn or call it unethical.

I couldn’t disagree more. For one thing, the definition of porn is arbitrary at best. Moreover, personal autonomy must be taken into consideration. For instance, this isn’t a show to watch with your kids. However, it’s a delicious show to enjoy alone, with your partner, or a friend. I would even say it’s a fun show to watch with a small group! Imagine the conversations we could have!

In summary, Naked Attraction has been a surprising yet transformative addition to my journey of self-love and body acceptance. It challenges societal norms and embraces diversity in a revolutionary and refreshing way. Watching it with Mr. Sexy has not only deepened our understanding of each other but also helped us appreciate our bodies more. Whether you’re seeking an unconventional dating show or simply a way to embrace and celebrate the human body in all its forms, give Naked Attraction a try. You might find it as empowering and enlightening as I have. Happy watching!

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