creative ways to relieve stress

Karma is… Creative Ways to Relieve Stress

Stress is an unavoidable part of life, but how we deal with it makes all the difference. One of the most effective strategies I’ve found is tapping into creative ways to relieve stress. Whether it’s through writing, art, or even a simple DIY project, channeling your energy into something creative can transform tension into something positive. In this blog post, I’ll share a personal story about how showing up for myself and embracing creativity helped me navigate a challenging day, reminding me of the power that creative outlets have in relieving stress and boosting overall well-being.

Yesterday bled into today, and I faced a decision. Should I lie to my friend about being too sick for a video call or invent an unimportant but “urgent” family emergency? Or should I simply get on the call as planned? 

Follow-through is important, and I didn’t want to let her down. She was counting on me. I sat on my couch, weighing my options with half an hour left to decide… then I had a revelation.

This call was more about me than her.

I needed to show up—not just for her, but for myself. I needed to practice following through and showing up on the tough days. To be honest, I needed to do my job, even when I didn’t feel like it.

With five minutes to go, I left the warmth of my heated blanket and headed to my bedroom vanity. First I applied mascara, then some powder foundation. 

I felt good. I felt ready.

Next, I ventured to the chilly kitchen to grab my notebook and pen because I write down anything I want to remember. Writing things down isn’t just a practical way to remember tasks and ideas; it’s a powerful tool for boosting memory and focus. When we put thoughts to paper, we engage multiple senses—seeing, feeling, and sometimes even hearing the words in our minds. This multisensory engagement helps solidify the information, making it easier to recall later. Writing forces us to organize our thoughts, breaking them down into manageable pieces and clarifying what’s most important. This process not only aids retention but also reduces mental clutter, allowing us to approach tasks with a clearer mind and a more strategic plan. Whether it’s jotting down ideas, creating to-do lists, or taking notes, writing transforms abstract thoughts into tangible actions.

I returned to my cozy blanket just as 10 AM rolled around and called my friend. No answer. I called again and left a voicemail.

First, I felt disappointed. My friend let me down.

Then I felt irritated. I put on mascara for this.

Finally, I just felt frustrated. It’s hard to be accountable for each other.

Relationships require mutual effort, and when one side falters, it throws the balance off, leaving one person shouldering the responsibility. It’s exhausting to maintain connections when accountability feels one-sided. That frustration comes from wanting to rely on others but feeling like you’re the only one holding things together.

An hour later, I grabbed my laptop and started writing this story. As I began, I realized that even though the call didn’t happen, it still had a positive impact on me. I filled that hour doing something I love—creating content for social media. And now I’m spending another hour doing something else I love: writing my story.

Taylor Swift once said, “Keep creating,” no matter what. There’s something special about channeling emotions into something positive. I recently heard on Chalene Johnson’s podcast that “everybody is creative.” I’m not sure I completely buy into that… but I do believe that everyone should have a creative outlet.

Finding creative ways to relieve stress isn’t just about making something beautiful or impressive—it’s about giving yourself a healthy outlet to process emotions and regain balance. Whether it’s writing, painting, or simply jotting down thoughts in a notebook, these creative activities can transform your mindset and help you navigate life’s challenges with more ease. As I learned from my experience, committing to these practices, even when it’s difficult, can lead to unexpected growth and fulfillment. So, the next time stress starts to weigh you down, remember that you have the power to create your way through it.

What do you think? Do you have a creative ways to relieve stress, even if it’s not an area of expertise for you? How has it helped you? I’m here for the conversation! I’d love to hear your story in the comments, on social media, or through email!

P.S. About that call… we had scheduled it for a different day. I even had it written down in my calendar. ::Facepalm:: There’s always a silver lining!

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