avoiding toxic relationships

Karma is… Avoiding Toxic Relationships

Have you ever felt overwhelmed by others’ opinions and negativity? You know, It’s easy to let toxic relationships undermine your confidence and passion. And I’ve experienced this firsthand—feeling weighed down by criticism and harmful influences. However, now is the time to break free from that cycle. So, by avoiding toxic relationships and focusing on what truly serves your purpose, you can reclaim your inner strength and pursue your dreams with renewed energy. So let’s explore how to build a life that nurtures your growth and celebrates your unique journey.

Now, perhaps you’ve let someone’s opinions about your work derail you completely. Or maybe you even abandoned your craft entirely. I’ve been there! Now, whether it’s family, friends, internet trolls, or strangers, their opinions have sometimes stopped me in my tracks. The result? I gave up. However, you don’t have to follow my path. Instead, embrace the power within your work and keep pushing forward. It’s okay to step away from anything that doesn’t serve your purpose.

Here’s what I refuse to accept:

  • I refuse to tolerate toxicity.
  • I refuse to accept excuses.
  • I refuse to let fear take over.
  • I refuse to allow criticisms that aim to squash someone else’s spirit.

In my opinion, to foster personal growth and achieve your goals, avoiding toxic relationships is essential. You see, these relationships can take many forms, from persistent negativity and undermining comments to manipulative behaviors that drain your energy. They often create an environment where self-doubt thrives and your dreams seem out of reach. But by consciously choosing to distance yourself from these detrimental influences, you open yourself up to healthier connections and more supportive interactions. This shift allows you to focus on relationships that encourage your development, validate your worth, and empower your aspirations. In doing so, you cultivate a space where you can thrive and make meaningful progress toward your goals.

Now, here’s what I’m open to:

  • I’m open to chasing bold, audacious dreams.
  • I’m open to finding silver linings on the toughest days.
  • I’m open to working hard and learning from failures.
  • I’m open to hearing affirmations from my Creator and ignoring everything else.

In other words, I’m avoiding toxic relationships and embracing a life filled with positivity and growth. So, I’m eager to chase bold, audacious dreams that ignite my passion and drive. Additionally I remain open to discovering silver linings even on the toughest days, finding hope and motivation amid challenges. I’m committed to working hard and learning from my failures, viewing each setback as an opportunity for growth. I choose to listen to affirmations from my Creator and let go of distractions or negativity that do not serve my purpose. Therefore by focusing on these empowering practices, I create a life where I can thrive and stay true to my aspirations, free from the constraints of negativity.

Hello! I’m Jessica B. Namely my mission is to reach the woman who feels broken, bruised, and stuck. You see, she doesn’t understand why she feels like that lost 16-year-old girl searching for love in all the wrong places. She hasn’t yet discovered her inner powerhouse. My deepest wish is to help her find it.

As a result I believe in you, your purpose, and your story. It matters. It truly does.

My message also reaches the 16-year-old girl of 2020—surrounded by sex, politics, and social media. In many ways, she feels lost in a whirlwind of TikTok, Instagram, and Facebook fame, desperately seeking love where it isn’t found at home. She needs to know that, despite her past choices, she is valuable, loved, and cherished.

Moreover, as you continue your journey, remember that avoiding toxic relationships is crucial for nurturing your growth and well-being. Surround yourself with positivity and people who uplift and support your dreams. By cutting out negativity and focusing on what truly enriches your life, you create space for clarity, resilience, and self-discovery. Embrace this new chapter with confidence and let your inner strength guide you toward a more fulfilling and empowered future. Your path is unique, and it’s time to walk it with purpose and joy.

Thus, is there something in your life that you need to become unavailable for? In that newly freed space, you might just discover freedom, clarity, and rest. That’s what works for me, anyway.

I’d love to connect with you personally!

Let’s hang out on Instagram & TikTok. I also have a private Facebook group for women like you. And don’t forget to grab your FREE ebook on foreplay: Foreplay 101: A Guide for Men. Because let’s face it, women already know what they’re doing!

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