Twice this week, a friend bragged to me about their income. Although I understand they didn’t intend to show off, my friends still wanted to tell me there’s an opportunity to make great money doing what they’re doing. As kind as their intent might be to share stories about extra paydays and selling thousands at parties, the result, however, feels the same for me.
When friends express their high volume of income while knowing I’m struggling financially, it feels belittling.
On the other hand, Mr. Sexy and I live a very different lifestyle than anyone we know.
For starters, we aren’t interested in getting rich.
Additionally, we aren’t interested in climbing any corporate ladders.
Instead, Mr. Sexy and I both have individual burning messages we feel called to pursue and speak about.
Almost three years ago, Mr. Sexy left corporate America. Since then, I’ve almost completely stepped away from the direct sales business world and started building my own brand in the sexual health industry. Here’s the sentence rewritten in active voice:
I’ll be honest, things are not easy right now.Our family is only just beginning the process of healing from deep traumas. This process, in fact, will take years, if not a lifetime, to work through. Although that notion can feel overwhelming, I’m not overwhelmed. I trust in God’s provisions.
At the same time, Mr. Sexy and I have gone through all our savings over these past two years. We had a lovely nest egg that, fortunately, served its purpose. Now, however, it’s time to go back to work and generate a new source of income. But we want to do things differently this time; we don’t want to act out of desperation. Too many times we’ve suffered the consequences of that.
Nevertheless, I don’t really feel worried about our financial situation. While it feels stressful at times, I always think back to all the times God has provided. We’ve been in much worse places than we are today. And, in true form, after Mr. Sexy didn’t get what seemed like the perfect job for us, God provided a totally different one. For some reason, this is the plan. I don’t have to understand why. Honestly, I don’t have the fucking energy, anyway.
So, please, for the love of your friends, think it through before telling them about all the income you’re making at your job. It only makes us feel like shit.
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