Sex Coach

Sex Coaching: A Dance of Desire and Intimacy

Sex Coaching can help you remember that as a mom, you deserve pleasure in your life, too. As a mom of four myself, I can understand All Too Well the toll raising a family can have on a marriage. There is so much stigma, guilt and shame wrapped up in sex because we live in a society where it’s still taboo to discuss such things. And that’s where I come in! Hang with me for a few minutes to learn how sex coaching can help you explore your most intimate, passionate desires and prioritize your sexual well-being.

Sex Coaching is a dance.

I think of Sex Coaching like the reality tv show, Dancing With The Stars. Think of me as the Pro and you as the Star. The “dance” is played out through every session we have together. We both bring something to the table. You bring your desires and your obstacles to those desires whereas on the other hand I bring the music, dance moves and technique. In other words, you bring your problems and I bring the tools to guide you towards resolution.

I love this analogy of Sex Coaching being like dance because it speaks to the creativity and intimacy that is Sex Coaching. A huge part of what I do is to hold space for you during our sessions much like the Pro provides a safe container for the Star during rehearsals. If you have ever watched the show, you can remember the clips where the Star is really struggling through some aspect of the dance. This is the moment when the Pro holds space for the Star to overcome this specific obstacle. In a very similar way, Sex Coaching is your safe space to explore and learn and grow.

Sex Coaching is forward movement.

Unlike talk therapy or counseling, Sex Coaching is all about moving forward toward your own goals. While I do ask every client to fill out a sex history form before our first session, we do not spend very much time dancing in the past. That would be the work for your therapist.

Speaking of therapy, if you have ever worked with a therapist or counselor you probably are used to an element of advice or even blunt directives during your sessions. While there is space for this within Sex Coaching, more often than not you will find that you actually have all the answers within you.

Sex Coaching is whatever you want it to be.

Because sex coaching doesn’t have to follow the same rules as traditional therapy or counseling, there is so much room for fun and working with a niche sex coach. For example, a Sex Coach who specializes in kink might be able to escort you through your first dungeon experience. Or you can work with a Sex Coach who specializes in tantra or energy work and they might do physical massage to help you reach your desires.

I’m a Sex Coach who specializes in helping women with libido issues and the sex shame that comes from religious culture. Because I have suffered through low libido and sex shame in my own life, it’s been a curious area of study for the last 10 years and my interest only continues to grow! I can appreciate how my own experiences give my life a deeper meaning through this work.

Sex Coaching is the key to unlocking your pleasure.

So, to sum it all up, Sex Coaching is an amazing tool that can really help any woman out there, especially young moms who feel exhausted and need a little boost in their sex life. When you work with the right Sex Coach, you’ll be able to dive deep into your desires and tackle any obstacles that might be holding you back. It’s like a dance, where you bring your own moves and the Coach provides the right tools and techniques to guide you towards success. And the best part is that Sex Coaching is all about moving forward, focusing on your goals, and not getting stuck in the past. Plus, there are so many different types of coaches out there, specializing in all sorts of unique areas, so you can find the perfect fit for you. At the end of the day, Sex Coaching is whatever you want it to be, and with the right coach by your side, it can totally transform your life and help you rediscover pleasure and fulfillment.

Let’s stay connected!

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