finding peace in the storm

Karma is… Finding Peace in the Storm

Life sometimes feels like one big, chaotic storm, especially when you’re juggling the demands of being a wife and mom. Often, everything seems to come crashing down, leaving you wondering how to find solid ground. However, finding peace in the storm isn’t about having it all together. It’s about embracing the mess and trusting that peace is possible, even in the middle of chaos. As we journey through these tough times, it’s crucial to remember that peace isn’t the absence of the storm. Instead, it’s finding a calm within it.

Right now, life feels like some sort of bonkers vacation. Honestly, how is it possible that we live in an over-budget, three-bedroom, two-bathroom apartment right on the beach? Surprisingly, there are many things we didn’t expect after reaching Long Beach. Yet, finding this place has been an unexpectedly awesome gem.

I initially scheduled us to look at these apartments out of mild curiosity. The listing was for a two-bedroom unit, and the photos were fairly unimpressive—except for one. The view from the living room showed what seemed to be a small balcony overlooking the beach. Still, this place was at the highest rent we planned to budget for.

Moving into a two-bedroom felt so crazy. But then, we walked into this place, finding peace in the storm of our lives.

I kid you not, we all gasped when we walked in. Immediately, we fell in love. During our visit, we met a couple who had collectively lived there for 19 years. We felt a positive connection with them and quickly felt safe in the environment. Not only is the entire complex locked and secure, but the parking area is also protected. Amazingly, this place even came with a pool!

We immediately put in our application, crossed our fingers, held our breath, and prayed to the universe. The more we talked about living on the beach in a small apartment, the better we felt. Emotionally, it felt like we could really rest here—heal here, grow here, and even retire here.

Our rental applications went through smoothly, but the problem was that someone beat us to the two-bedroom with the view. The other options were a two-bedroom with no view or a three-bedroom with a view of Jack In The Box. The three-bedroom also officially took us over our planned budget.

But we led with our hearts. We signed an intent to lease with a partial, non-refundable deposit for the three-bedroom. We then had 10 days to come up with the required money to move in. Unfortunately, Mr. Sexy’s paycheck alone wouldn’t cut it. The cards I played to find the money had been held close to my chest for a long time, but now it was time to go there and pursue every crazy option.

First, we got the car appraised. After considering the amount it would bring in versus not having a car anymore, we concluded that since we are homeschooling and working so close, we could easily navigate life with public transportation, bikes, and a bit of Ubering. Is this a crazy way to think and live? Maybe.

Next, we got my ring appraised. We were excited that its value is very high, but like most fine jewelry, the fair market value is pocket change. The jeweler was so nice, and he had some crazy advice that turned out to be amazing. He suggested we ask a family member or friend to give us a loan with a fixed interest rate, using my ring as collateral. Mr. Sexy and I literally looked at each other and laughed. The only people we know who might have that kind of money are my parents, and we don’t talk to them.

Long story short, I went all in on the best idea we had. I began the process of looking for financing by spending two whole hours writing a letter to my mom. You can find it posted on my blog, verbatim. Knowing this email would fall on muted ears, I wrote up a gut-wrenchingly honest Facebook post about looking for financing.

Within minutes, three people messaged me, wanting to help. A few hours later, we officially had a financer. She happened to be in a position to do this and said she really wanted to help us out. I am so grateful.

I did not get a response to my email. When I found a financer, I texted my mom to let her know. She simply said, “OK.”

And I will continue this story on another day because it gets juicy!

At the end of the day, finding peace in the storm means accepting that life will always have its ups and downs. It’s about holding onto faith, even when things seem impossible, and trusting that the storm will eventually pass. This peace isn’t about avoiding the tough stuff, but about finding a way to breathe through it and come out stronger on the other side. So, let’s keep pushing forward, knowing that peace is within our reach, even when the winds are howling around us.

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