overcoming the urge to quit

Karma is… Overcoming the Urge to Quit

Mondays offer a fresh start and a chance to begin anew. However, they also bring their own set of challenges. I know the feeling of waking up with frustration and doubt, wondering if today will be productive or if I should just give up. Thus, overcoming the urge to quit becomes crucial in pushing through these moments of struggle.

In this blog post, I will share a personal story about how I turned a seemingly lost morning into a step forward. Moreover, I’ll discuss how embracing resilience can transform setbacks into growth opportunities. Let’s dive into how starting the day right can empower us to show up, even when the odds seem stacked against us.

I love Mondays because they offer a fresh start to a brand new week. No matter what happened yesterday, last week, or even last month, Monday always returns as a chance to Begin Again. Consequently, starting my day right is incredibly important to me. I begin with gratitude journaling, talking with God, and personal development time. This routine helps me focus my day and empowers me to show up—even if I’m not perfect.

However, months ago, on a particular Monday, I struggled to show up at all. Here’s that story:

My 5:55 AM alarm went off, and I hit snooze. By the time I opened my eyes again, it was 8:30. A wave of frustration, stress, and a sense of failure washed over me. Until that morning, I had consistently woken up with my alarm and followed my morning routine, which almost always set me up for a productive day. Yet, I had already lost 2 ½ hours of my morning. Thus, I felt like I had failed and thought this day might not turn into a productive workday.

As I debated whether to go back to sleep, Mr. Sexy returned from dropping the kids off at school. His energy was high, and he had a mission that began with opening all the curtains in our bedroom—sleep was no longer an option. He brought me hot coffee and sat with me on the bed, his rejuvenated mindset shining through. Additionally, he started a difficult conversation.

Sometimes, saying hard things out loud helps us find resolution. It’s a vulnerable place to be.

There was no turning back now. After an hour of talking and trying to get Chewbacca (my 3-year-old’s nickname) to snuggle with me, I knew I had to start my day. Although it might be a slightly less productive day because of the lost time, it would be far better than doing nothing at all. So, I grabbed my journal and pen and got to work.

Being an entrepreneur and overcoming the urge to quit is messy and not for the faint of heart.

I’ve seen this cheesy phrase in many Instagram posts. However, the hard truths behind it have hit home recently. For months, I questioned my abilities daily and asked God where we went wrong repeatedly. The thought of quitting seemed to follow me everywhere.

Yet, every day, I moved forward.

I kept going. I continued to show up each day, even when it felt almost impossible. I refused to quit, despite the constant whisper of doubt and the overwhelming urge to give up. What if I was on the right path, and this was merely a challenging season that I would one day look back on with clarity and gratitude? What if these struggles were not just obstacles but integral parts of my journey, preparing me to inspire and uplift thousands of people? The uncertainty loomed large, but I held onto the belief that perseverance and resilience would lead me to something greater.

By overcoming the urge to quit and pushing through each difficulty, I embraced the possibility that this phase was a vital chapter in a larger, more meaningful story.

Who knows what lies ahead? Nevertheless, every step forward and every moment of determination brings me closer to a future where these experiences could serve as a beacon of hope and encouragement for others facing their own trials.

As we wrap up, remember that overcoming the urge to quit is a journey requiring perseverance and self-compassion. Each Monday presents a new opportunity to reset and move forward, no matter how tough the previous days may have been. By choosing to embrace the challenges and show up for ourselves, we transform obstacles into stepping stones for growth. So, as you head into this week, take a deep breath, focus on your goals, and tackle each day with renewed energy. Your commitment to pushing through will not only drive your success but also inspire others to keep going, no matter what.

Today is Monday. It’s fresh. It hasn’t had any mistakes yet.

This week is yours to shape as you wish.

I choose to show up.

Will you?

What’s one thing you do to show up as your best self for work? I’d love to know! Leave a comment or send me a message on Instagram or Facebook. I’d love to connect with you!

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